It’s Spring!!!

So yes, I actually really love Winter. I love the cold. I love the snow. I love the shorter days, longer evenings. It’s always a nice slow down after the busy-ness of Fall harvest.

BUT…I adore Spring! I’m usually ready for Spring to show up! I’m ready for the days to get longer and the sun to stay up later. I’m REALLY ready for some COLOR! I’m ready for green grass and trees! Although, I’m not quite ready for all the yard work.😆

I wish Spring would last for months and months. We usually have a short Spring, then Summer heat hits.  And I’m most definitely NOT ready for that. So I will enjoy every single day of Spring that we have!

So let’s chat about Spring Self Care. There is never a bad time to start self care. And Spring is a particularly great time! The season is all about renewal. So we can add some great self care renewal to our routines.

Here ⬆ are just a few to get you started!

I did mention that I’m ready for color, right? One thing I like to do is buy myself some fresh cut flowers and put them on the table. I love seeing the bright colors as I walk by or am working in the kitchen. My favorite flower is a gerbera daisy…especially bright pink! I’m the first to admit that I have a brown thumb, so I don’t normally plant flowers outside. I do have a flower patch that came with the house. And I haven’t yet killed all of them! So there will be a few pretty flowers outside. The daffodils already made an appearance…and then got frozen and snowed on!🤦‍♀️

So tell me…are you a Spring Cleaner?? Me, not so much. I mean, I just don’t enjoy cleaning. BUT I did a major cleaning/organizing of the farm office and my own office!🙌 My poor desk was piled so high with notebooks, books, products, and stuff! But I managed to get it all cleaned off. I even cleaned out shelves that store all my products and samples and business supplies. That was really satisfying! So now my little sanctuary is back to feeling peaceful for me again. I definitely need it to be organized, since I will essentially be working 2 different businesses out of it now.

Speaking of business and going along with #3 up there! Don’t forget to change up your skincare for Spring/Summer! You’re going to want to get lighter serums and moisturizers, instead of the heavier moisturizers we need for the dry Winter air. And you should ALWAYS be using an SPF moisturizer, but it’s even more necessary now! If you’d like some help with your skincare, let me know. Perfectly Posh is days away from re-launching as a standalone company again! I would be so honored to help you with all your skincare needs! (It may take a couple of weeks to get the shopping links above updated correctly.)

As always, moving your body is on my self care list! I just cannot stress the importance of moving your body in some way. Even the smallest bit of exercise is so beneficial! And now that it’s Spring, try to get outside to do it! I love walking with my dogs. And I will be happy to shed all the Winter layers! Another thing I absolutely love is taking my yoga mat outside and doing yoga in the grass. I love being out in the fresh air and the connection with nature. We have a small window that I’m able to do that in the Spring and again in the Fall. I take full advantage of that. You can too! You don’t have to do full on yoga. Grab a towel and go do some stretches out there!

Finally, let me share a little challenge that I’m starting. In April, I’m doing a 30 Day Rise & Vibe Challenge on my FB Biz Page. I’m on a mission to help EVERYONE feel better now! My family has been taking these products since December, and we have seen just amazing results. We are all so much happier, get so much more accomplished, less arguing, more laughter, better concentration, less irritability, more fun…the list is endless! Who knew?! I’m so glad I took a chance on a brand new product. And I want you to take that chance too! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! (There is a 30 day money back guarantee, but you won’t need it! You’re going to feel amazing!) So please join our 30 Day Rise & Vibe Challenge!

Once you place your order for Rise + Source through my website, I will send an email for you to download your tracker sheet. Be sure to follow my FB page! That’s where I will be announcing the winner of the challenge! And posting motivation and check ins there too. I cannot wait for you to get started on Rise + Source! You’re going to be feeling like you can conquer the world!💞 (Rise supports mental performance, brain health, energy, mental clarity, creativity, motivation, concentration, alertness, mood! Source supports bone health, nutrient absorption, antioxidants, pH balance, digestion, skin health, electrolytes, gut health, detoxification!)

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