You guys. I started this as a post on my FB Page. But as the words came pouring out, I realized that it might be better as a blog post. People on FB are looking for a quick read, not this novel!😆

I want to tell you about my trip to McKinney TX for the Frequense Ribbon Cutting Event. What an amazing weekend it was!

I got on a plane for a quick flight to DFW…to meet a gal I’d barely ‘met’ about 2 years ago…to go to a Ribbon Cutting Event for a brand new company, with a couple of hundred people that I literally had never met.

6 months ago, this would have had me in complete panic mode. My stress level would have been off the chart. 📈

I would have agonized for days: Omg, why did I do this? How is this going to go? I don’t know anyone. I’m scared. I’m freaking out. I can’t handle this. What am I going to wear? How do I look? Everyone knows what they’re doing except me. I’m not good enough. You get the picture.😬

Don’t get me wrong: I would have done it…I just would have had a complete meltdown in the process.😵

Not this time! Oh sure, there are a bit of nerves. I mean, I think that’s normal.

But big ol’ full on holy-beep-I-don’t-think-I-can-do-this?…Nope! Not once!

In the mornings…for 3 mornings in a row…I loaded onto a BUS (pretty fancy bus) and went over to the LaCore facilities where the event was…with 200 people I don’t know.

They brought in our meals (which were delish) and around 4 pm, bussed us back to our hotels.

I’m telling you: 6 months ago…THAT alone would have caused so much apprehension and uneasiness. I probably wouldn’t have heard a word any of the speakers said. I mean, I was a completely dependent on them (with no escape hatch)! I didn’t have my own car to just hop in and leave if I felt overwhelmed.

But let me tell you…I was cool as a cucumber!

Many of you know me IRL ( is that a still a thing?). You KNOW how I can work myself up pretty good. The worries…the endless list of worries!🤦‍♀️

Let me just tell you: the the ONLY thing that I worried about before my trip and heading home: WILL MY SUITCASE BE UNDER THE WEIGHT LIMIT???🤣🤣🤣 (It was…just barely!) Maybe I should get one these for my next trip! Do you think it would keep me under 50? Have you used one?

➡SIDE BAR: So what’s different? Why did I not obsess for days about all the things that could go wrong? (Like I usually do.) It’s the Shroom Juice. The difference this stuff has made in my life is almost indescribable. (Not only for the effect it’s had on ME, but for what it has done for the people in my family…and how THAT has affected the whole family dynamic and interactions.) I don’t worry, stress, obsess about all the bad possibilities. I don’t feel overwhelmed and scared and jittery. I’m able to handle my business…and everything else.Blown away? Ummm…yeah.⬅

We had 3 days of speakers, recognition, lots of learning, lots of laughter, many tears, great food, love, and bonding! We capped it all off the a ceremonial actual cutting of the ribbon followed by some more food, music and dancing. I’m going to just drop some photos below for you to see:

I wish this wasn’t so blurry!
Our team represented!
We got to tour both the lab (no photos allowed) and Logistics where the orders are packaged and shipped out.
Find some friends you can “ground” with between meetings!
Last day! Party time!
Little Black Dress night.
When you get a picture with the amazing CEO!

🤗🤗I know, this whole blog post sounds like a big sales pitch. But I’m telling this stuff is the real deal. I spent 3 days learning about the ingredients, the company, the people creating the products, the family behind the company. It’s pretty incredible! And the results speak for themselves. So I wouldn’t be a very good self care advocate if I didn’t share it with you.

You NEED to try it. You owe it to yourself to see what it can do for you. Rise (‘shrooms) + Source (trace minerals). That’s the combo that you need. If you aren’t ready to believe me and would like to try a 5 Day Experience to see for yourself how great this stuff is, then click here and fill out the info.

Oh!!! PS: Super exciting news that I’m going to add on here: Perfectly Posh is back as a standalone company! Shop for all your old faves and be watching for new right here on my link!

Oh wait!!! If you LOVE the BEAUTIFUL jewelry I’m wearing, it was custom made for me by Christi’s E Creations! You can find her HERE and shop with her HERE!

Most of the links above are Affiliate Links!


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