Here it is December already! This is the craziest month of the year! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Or are you a last minute shopper?

I admire those people that have a list and shop all year long finding the perfect gift for everyone. Yeah, that’s not me though! I don’t really start until after Thanksgiving, and then it always feels too late. I vow to start earlier the next year…but it never happens!🤣

I feel like the whole “Christmas present” thing almost ruins Christmas. We put sooo much pressure on ourselves to buy gifts for everyone. Going from store to store, website to website…and then there’s the wrapping!😬 All I can say about that is make a list, make a budget and stick to it! Then when you have the gifts bought, set aside a few hours, maybe pour yourself a glass of wine or a mug of coffee/cocoa, put on a few cheesy Christmas movies and wrap, wrap, wrap!

Now here’s a little trick I’ve learned to make Christmas morning a little happier for me…first a little background: Let me start by saying I live with men…all men…my hubby, my adult son and 2 dogs. Sometimes they aren’t the best gift-picker-outers!🤫 I mean their heart is always in the right place.🤗 But they are definitely last minute shoppers! Which means they take what they can get, throw it in a gift bag and hope for the best.😆 

So here’s my tip/trick: You know how EVERYTHING is on sale, or packaged pretty in sets, or offers a free gift with purchase at Christmas time? And SO MANY of those things are products you use every day or have wanted to try? But you feel GUILTY spending money on YOURSELF when you’re supposed to be Christmas shopping for everyone else? BUY IT ANYWAY! Then give it to your hubby and/or kids and tell them to wrap it up and put it under the tree for you!🎁 

(My hubby so is generously gifting me 😁 a 6 month subscription to this awesome self care box! You can order just 1, without a subscription. This link gives you $10 off the box!🙌)

I didn’t ask him to wrap this one! The box is so pretty and I love seeing it under my tree!

I’m telling you…this is SELF CARE!🙌 You’ll have wrapped gifts under the tree to open with everyone else in Christmas morning. You’ll know they are gifts you will love and use. And the pressure is off for EVERYONE…because you know the saying: “if momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”…and it’s 100% true!

Here’s another quick holiday self care tip: stuff your own stocking! I saw this meme floating around social media and holy smokes, it’s 🎯🎯🎯!

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Buy your fave face mask, eyeliner, mascara, coffee/tea, fave chocolates…and put them in your stocking! It’s ok to take care of ourselves and treat ourselves…without waiting on someone else to do it! 

If you just can’t bring yourself to stuff your own stocking, make a pact with your best friend or sister or someone you’re close to. You buy stuff for HER stocking, and she will buy stuff for YOUR stocking! Boom! You’ll both have a filled stocking on Christmas morning! (My mom is actually pretty good about making sure I have something in my stocking!🥰)

Check out my Etsy store for more gift ideas!

This post contains affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you anymore to purchase, but I may earn a little something!🥰

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