August! The summer is coming to an end, and the school year looms ever closer. I’m sure some kiddos have already gone back to school by now. It’s funny to me: we are YEARS removed from having a child in school, but August still brings out the “back to school” vibe for me.

This is a self care blog. And some might wonder why I’m writing about back to school tips. Well, these tips can ALL be used by adults without kids/school/etc! These are tips that can make life easier for all of us! AND I believe that getting a good routine established is GREAT for going back into the hectic school year. That means it’s self care for the kiddos and the moms/dads/caregivers, right?!

The running theme through all of these tips is ROUTINE! The school year throws so much at kids and their families. If you can find a routine to get through the daily things that have to be done, it will make dealing with the unexpected and all the “extras” just a little easier.


This is probably one of the most important things for our kids. They have so much going on during the day. Their brains are overloaded with information and learning. They are overstimulated. Surrounded by people and kids and noise. (PS: This also applies to adults!)

Start working on a wind down routine.

*Bath or shower using soothing lavender scented products. The lavender scent calms the nervous system, produces a calm feeling in the brain, and help increase deep sleep. Check them out here and here!

*If it’s not bath/shower night, be sure you (and/or your kiddos) wash your face and brush your teeth before going to bed. This is not only good hygiene, but it helps you feel relaxed and reset.

*Eliminate screen time an hour before bedtime. If your kids have homework that involves computer use, get that done early in the evening. Actually, get all homework done and out of the way as early as possible. I don’t know about y’all, but homework used to cause some major breakdowns. Getting that over and done with as soon as possible leaves more time for a pleasant evening…which leads to a better night of sleep. For everyone!

*Tuck you kiddo in! Yes, even the big ones! Sometimes this is the time that they might chat with you about things that are bothering them. Or tell some big dreams they have. Or just spend a few quiet moments together.

*Read a book! It’s a time honored tradition of reading to littles at bedtime. But it’s fun to read to bigger kids too. Maybe you read TO them. Maybe you have your own copy of the book and read WITH them. Maybe you read your own book while they read theirs. If you don’t have kiddos and are reading for your own pleasure, choose a book that isn’t too exciting! You don’t want a page turner that will keep you up all night!


Make a list of healthy snacks. Talk with your kiddos and ask them to try some new things. Next, take time to prepare these snacks. (Too often we sabotage ourselves by grabbing something convenient that might not be as good for us.) Wash your fruit and veggies. Package up all your snacks into individual containers. That way it’s easy for everyone to grab a healthy snack and go!

Also be sure to include a multivitamin. Even with good food choices, we miss a lot of vitamins and nutrients. If you have kiddos that don’t like taking a pill, check out these easy on and off patches with all the good stuff they need! And there is one for adults too!


This may seem silly to some people, but I’ve learned just how powerful affirmations can be. Think about 3-5 things that you want your kiddo to believe about themselves. Now, turn those into SHORT affirmations. I am strong. I can handle this. I am brave. I love to learn new things. I love myself.

(And yes adults!!! These are for us too! They can be as simple or as complicated as YOU want them to be!)

Write down the affirmations on sticky notes and put them EVERYWHERE!

  • Mirrors
  • Lunch boxes
  • Homework desk
  • Laptop
  • Phone screen (I make custom wallpapers. Contact me, if interested.)
  • Backpack
  • Get an affirmation sticker that they put on water bottles, etc
  • You get the picture!

Train yourself and your kids to repeat these affirmations, especially in times of stress. Stop, take a slow deep breath in (filling your belly), then slowly let it out. Now say your affirmation. Repeat as many times as necessary.


I did say it’s all about routine, right?

Make an established routine for you and your kids to get the school year started off on the right foot.

  • Make a dedicated space and time for homework. Have all the supplies right there.
  • Set out clothes for the next day. No more rushing around looking for matching clothes.
  • Get backpacks (homework), keys, lunches, etc ready the night before. No more scrambling around in the already hectic morning
  • Prep your coffee the night before! That way it’s ready to brew at the touch of a button. Or better yet, set the timer if you have one.
  • Find a way to move your body every day! You can even include your kiddos in this! Maybe you can find a gentle stretching routine to do in the evenings. This would be great even for the teens in your life, especially if they are involved in sports.

I hope you find these tips useful for getting your kids back to school with less stress. Or just using them for YOURSELF! Self care is all about establishing good routines. You can help your kiddos start now! It will help them at every stage throughout their lives!

Check out my August Newsletter!

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