Do you have a quiet space? A special spot to tuck into when the world gets too heavy?

This is mine. Yes, it’s my Posh office. But with the remodel I did, it’s become more than just a place to work. This room has been through many transitions in the many years that we’ve lived here. My favorites are when it was my son’s farm. I loved hearing the tractor sounds, conversations, and stories he would tell. Then it became our homeschool room for a handful of years. That was such a wonderful and satisfying time in our lives! Next, came my Posh room. It slowly evolved, with a mish-mash of furniture and storage units. But it got the job done. Then I decided to go all in and make it a space truly my own. I cleared the room and painted the walls. The desk stayed, because it’s…well…perfect! I bought beautiful storage cabinets and the cutest faux-fireplace. And a gorgeous painting by an artist friend of mine to hang on the wall.  It’s beautiful. And peaceful. And everything I wanted.

Did I tell you that I’m doing a journaling workshop? It couldn’t have come at a better time. The world is heavy. And my own little world is very heavy and sad. I won’t go into all the details. I’m sure you have sadness of your own. Journaling is helping. I’m so very new to the practice (and it IS most definitely a self care practice). But I’m learning! I’m learning what works for me. I’m learning what doesn’t work. And the beauty is…I can pick what works and leave the rest for someone else.

This spot is where I journal sometimes. It’s also where I do my yoga…journaling and yoga seem to be two sides of the same coin for me. I’ve been doing yoga for several years. Oh, I’m not bendy and long and lithe like the people we so often think of when someone says “yoga”. But man oh man, do I LOVE my yoga practice! The physical benefits have been great…but the emotional benefits? Even more! Yoga IS for every body. So I’m looking forward to adding journaling to my self care journey, along with my yoga. With my heavy heart, I need all the help I can get.

This CBD stick from Posh is always close by. A quick swipe on my wrists, behind my ears, under my nose…and it helps to ease anxiety and tension. I highly recommend getting a couple for yourself.

Oh, and if you want to experience some true decadence…go get yourself one of those cool salt lamps with massage balls!!! It’s exactly what you never knew you needed! I have arthritis in my hands and holding these is like holding a hot mug of coffee. And rolling one around on a sore stiff neck feels amazing! Don’t even get me started on how good it feels to roll them under my feet!

Here is my sanctuary. My special place. It’s not always quiet and there is no door, so my men wander in freely…but I do have a folding screen to put up if I really need it. I don’t use it often. They’re pretty good guys and don’t bother me too  much!

I’d love to hear about/see your own sanctuary. I believe you can comment right here, or send me an email!

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